How do I get backstage passes?

Music is life.. 

How do I get backstage passes? 

Have you ever been backstage at a show or concert? V.I.P. passes like when Wayne and Garth went to see Alice Cooper? Have you ever been brought onstage during a show? I have never had VIP passes or even knew how to get them. When I was younger, I thought it was simply a matter of being eager enough to find a way around security and sneak backstage. I figured once the band and I hung out, they would let me stay if I ever got caught by the fuzz.  All the movies and tv shows back then seemed to add credence to that notion, so I was surprised when I finally went to my first concert and there was no mention of it at all and security wasn’t having it. 

At the time, I figured maybe I had to buy the backstage pass when I bought my tickets. However, the next time I bought tickets for a show, there was no option or availability of anything like that. I resigned myself to the idea that it was prob a myth or you needed to know someone. It wasn’t until I got older that I found out more. 

Are you someone that wants to meet and hang out with your favorite artists? I know I am however my wife; Dixie does not understand the draw. Why do you want to meet them? Do not bother them, they’re just people like you and me, why waste your time. Now I am paraphrasing a little, but you get the idea. This is what really got me thinking about the avg music listener out there. Are they hearing the music and experiencing it differently? 

Are there actually people out there that aren’t thinking about music and the artists that make it? The answer is of course, yes. There are many different types of listeners, so I won’t bore you with a full breakdown. I’ll just simplify and generalize the entire thing into two main types if you don’t mind: Musicians and artists & Everyone else. 

Now to break this down even further, I’ll describe each group by how I think they listen to music…. 

Musicians and artists: 

Focus is on their given instrument/performance position. If you’re a guitarist, you tend to listen to the guitar more etc… 

Focus is on tone, groove, timing, atmosphere and the arrangement, quality of the song, “could I play/write this?” 

The performance itself, the energy and connection to the content of the music or lyrics 

Everyone else:

Focus is on feel and energy. Is it catchy? 

Focus is on the time and place when the song was heard or discovered 

A lot of times its background noise at work or in the car. When you’re cleaning, studying or at a party. 

Now obviously these are generalizations, and I am coming from the musician/artist side, assuming my theory from observation and discussions with people throughout my life. 

For me, I obsess over music. The sounds and structure. I listen for the guitars and the drums. For me the wall of sound that comes with hard rock and metal is a RUSH of excitement. I feel power when I hear choppy down tuned notes barreling over the drums, bass and singer. I love to hear great word play, 808’s, synths, samples, and drops in hip hop and rap music too. 

It’s sometimes a curse. My ears pick out music everywhere I go! At work, out and about, even at home. If there is music playing somewhere, I hear it and seek it out. It’s very distracting!! I love found sounds that can be turned into samples and rhythms. Needless to say, music is my whole life. The musicians and artists that create music, in my eyes are the craftsmen of that life. Their music has made me learn, understand, and feel. It has gotten me through some tough times and let me celebrate the good things too. Why would you not want to meet someone that has that power, that energy? 

That’s why I want to go backstage! That’s why I want to meet these people. And while I know they say, never meet your heroes, I will always take the chance to meet them. Honestly, I want to be close to that power in hope it will rub off on me. Maybe it’s hero worship but it comes naturally and organic to me. What do you think? Leave a comment on our Instagram page.

Next time:


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