Should I open an online store?

Music is life! 

Another week gone by, can you believe it’s almost August? 2020 seemed like life was in slow motion and 2021 is exact opposite for me. I am grateful for the blessings I have received, a steady job, safe home and neighborhood, plenty of resources, and a loving family are but a few of the many things I count myself as lucky having. 

A thought came across my desk the other day and it made me chuckle and wonder why it was not something that even occurred before. I was thinking about how during this pandemic a lot of people have seized the opportunity to start a business, go back to school and/or better their financial/work situation.  I have had tons of ideas for where to take G.R.P. but for some reason I had it in my head that I couldn’t start yet. 

I thought that “once I had the time and opportunity to fully focus on and devote a daily schedule to it, I would. I was and still am, until I make the change, waiting in a limbo, writing my blog and researching tools and methods to fill my knowledge base for when I do finally go full time. JESUS! How could I be so blind? 

All the paths and ideas I have for G.R.P. can be done NOW! I have the available resources and the support NOW! WHY WAS I WAITING? I think, like a lot of people waiting to be ready is built into us at an early age it seems. Right now all I am doing is gathering knowledge and resources but doing nothing with it. 

So, starting August 1st going forward, I will be treating this like the business is already moving at full steam and release more content on a consistent basis. Planning my day and activities based on that. What I have been dreaming and designing G.R.P. to become can happen right now! AND it is!! 

To that end, I will be making several announcements over the next few days and weeks. One will be the launch of the G.R.P. online store. Here you find tips and tools for success on social media, e-playbooks and recorded tutorials. And of course, MERCH!! 

I am excited to finally kick myself in the ass and get to the people that matter most in my business, musicians. Also, I hear tell of a 12th of Never Reunion special event. Stay tuned….

Next Time?

That's some great advice, man.



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