Happy Laborious Day


Happy Labor Day. I’m a few days off but hey, that’s what happens when the holiday falls on Monday and the blog is on a Wednesday. Did you enjoy the weekend? Were you able to stay safe and still have fun? 

This year I had all of my kids home with us and the weather gods were smiling. Another nice thing this year was having my boys on Labor Day. Since the divorce, my ex has always had them on that weekend. And due to unforseen circumstances, she had offered me the opportunity to take my boys to the HELLA MEGA TOUR, featuring GREEN DAY, Weezer, and Fall Out Boy. 

Funny, the other time I saw GREEN DAY was centered around similar circumstances. Both times were in a stadium, however Monday was at T-moble, a much larger, open air stadium. (certainly wouldn’t be comfortable in an indoor stadium at this point in history…). Billy Joe and Company never disappoint. With careful precision he conducts the crowd as if it were another band member, playing along. He could raise the volume with a look and silence them the next second with a wave of his hand. 

What an amazing way to kick the dust off of the last 2 years of no live shows and social quarantine. At one point during the opening set, Billy told everyone to put their phones away and stop recording. “We’ve been staring at our screens for 2 Fucking years!” “Take a look around and enjoy this time together”. I look out at thousands of tiny cell phone lights waving around and I hear as what was probably close to 30,000 people singing together in unison. That has always been one of the most powerful things to witness and be apart of. It is also something that if I ever have the privilege of being the band that causes such an event, would be the end of all bucket list items. 

Now, I did stand in line for 2 hours and 21 min for tour shirts for myself and the boys, missing most of Weezer and Fall Out Boy, but it was worth it to have something to remember such an amazing time. I don’t know if we’re ready to fully embrace a completely open society again yet but hearing everyone singing together for the whole PNW deffinatly is a comfort. 

Till next time my friends, 


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