Spooktober is it?


Hello friend, I am glad you’re back. It’s Spooktober! Ok did anyone think we’d get to Holloween? At least not with enough to make plans. It’s great that we seem to be returning to traditional forms of celebrating with the store isles filled with giant bags of the same tired old candy we got as kids. We live in a family friendly area so there’s bound to be trick or treating. Tell me, are you gonna have your porch lights on this year or or you gonna leave a bowl by the door? Seems odd to think about the holidays with what’s been present around the world this decade. 

Before Covid did you dress up? Did go out and trick or treat or party? You too cool for school and kept the porch light off? Our kids are spread across the spectrum of being really excited to mildly interested. However the oldest is sure to drop off once he is allowed to drive. (assholes and elbows). 

I don’t really dress up, haven’t since the boys were young. Don’t get me wrong, I like to dress up if I have a reason to or a place to go. A rock show is a great example. Speaking of shows. are you excited for any upcoming possible Halloween shows? I believe the only concert I’ve ever been to was Rob Zombie and Korn at the Cow Palace. 

I did play a halloween show once. Now that was an adventure! 

We were asked to play for my homie Chis Shaver’s sister, Renee’s birthday party. back then there was a house in downtown Vallejo that had this concrete patio in the back that stretched all the way out to the ally. A lot of amazing bands played there, Left Turn at Venus, String Theory and Fingertight to name a few. It was gonna be amazing, it still was but not how we thought. 

This was circa ’97- ’98. The Crow was very popular in my circle. I decided I was going to dress as Eric Draven so I got the white makeup and a couple stick of black lip stick and a sharpie. My hair at the time was almost identical to his so all I had to focus on was the face. 

I got ready early so I could help load the van. I realized quickly though that I had made a mistake. That white face makeup was itchy after only about 30 min. Fast forward to later that night at the party… We set up and get ready to play only there’s one band before us so we hang back and grab a few beers. The first band is finishing up when Vallejos finest come around and tell us we can’t play because someone complained. Not to be defeated, we packed everything up and left as the party soon emptied. We drove around for a few mins and then met up at a local liquor store parking lot. Is “The Bottle Shop” still there? 

My friend Brandon, I think it was Brandon, lived in n apt building that was across town. He said we could set up and play in his living room. Apparently he was friends with anyone who would complain and we could rock all night! This is now hour 5 in full white face. And I can’t catch my face cause it will wreck the makeup. 

We head over, set up and play an amazing show to literally standing on others room only. As the singer, face to face with the crowd, most of the show. That whole apt. shook and lights flickered. It was an amazing end to a long Halloween night. 

Until next time my friend, 


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